Research at ASHA Foundation

In April 2009, ASHA Foundation was accorded recognition as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by the Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.

Focus areas of research:

  1. Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV
  2. Adolescent Health Education
  3. Pediatric HIV Infection
  4. Adult HIV infection
  5. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
  6. Counseling, including telephone counseling

List of Research Advisory Board members


Current research projects at ASHA Foundation :

(a)Assessing the social and emotional development of Children Living with HIV(CLHIV) through a camp approach :
(b) Survey of self esteem on school going adolescents.
(c)A Study on Quality of life of HIV positive women on long term Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART).
(d)The effectiveness of a Health Education Programme on Character Building and Development of Life Skills in Middle School children.
(e)Long Term impact of AHE (Anmol Ashayein) on 12 th standard students.
(f)Determination of perinatal transmission with 3 drug ARV prophylaxis in breast feeding population in private sector setting in South                 IndiaList of publications

Papers being written up for publication

1. Profile of people attending an ICTC for pre-test counseling in an Urban center  in Bangalore, Karnataka

    Investigators- Glory Alexander,  Priyanka M, Kalpana

 2. An observational study to determine the coping mechanisms of HIV Positive widowed women

    Investigators- Glory AlexanderPriyanka M, Kalpana

 3. Constructivist Methodology in professional development of teachers

    Investigators : Joyce Davis, Baiju Sebastian, Glory Alexander

4. The intellectual, social and emotional impact of HIV infection in  children -A comparative  study:

     Investigators: Glory Alexander, Sarita Rao , Ram Babu

List of publications

  1. Assessment of workshop-based training of teachers for imparting value based education to high school students.- Joyce Davis, Dr.Glory Alexander, Chitra Lancelot, Dr.PSS Sundar Rao-Journal of Educational Research and Extension; volume 43,Oct-Dec 2006.pages 10-17.
  2. Exploring the barriers to accessing care and treatment for HIV infected children in India-A diagnostic study- Research update –April 2007-published by Population Council – collaboration of population Council, Avina Sarna, Jaleel ahmed, Glory Alexander, Vaishali Mahendra et al.
  3. Counseling Needs Of Persons Exposed To Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus-G. Alexander, B.G.Sunitha, K.L.Chitra. – Indian Journal of medical research 126,August 2007,pp152-155.
  4. Value education for children- whose responsibility ? -Joyce Davis, Glory Alexander, PSS Sundar Rao –New Frontiers in Education, Vol-40, No-3, July-Sept 2007 pp246-250.
  5. Mapping the future-Students response to Adolescent Health Education-Joyce Davis, Glory Alexander – booklet June 2009
  6. Response of Indian School Students to Adolescent Health Education– Joyce Davis, Glory Alexander, PSS Rao- New Frontiers in Education, Vol.43,No.4,October -December 2010 pp 494-499.
  7. Prevention of mother to Child transmission of HIV- Our experience in South India- Karthikeyan Vijaya, Alexander.Glory, Solomon Eileen,Rao Sarita, Rao PSS Sunder- Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India, Jan/Feb 2011, Pg.62-66
  8. A descriptive study on the users and utility of HIV/AIDS Helpline in Karnataka , India – Alexander.G, Kanth.C, Thomas.R.- Indian J Community Med 2011; 36:17-20
  9. Demographic Predictors of HIV positivity among Women presenting for Obstetric care in South India- a case control study-  E. Solomon, F. Visnegarawla, P. Philip,   G. Alexander – AIDS care journal. Vol-23, No.10, October 2011 pp-1336-1343
  10. Impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on socio-economic status and productivity of HIV-positive individuals/households in a private setting in India. Visnegarwala, F., Nalli, A., Babu, R., Satish, S., Pradeep, L., & Alexander, G .Journal of the International Aids Society- Vol. 15, (Suppl 3) October 2012 pp. 257-258 J Int AIDS Soc. 2012; 15(Suppl 3): doi: 10.7448/IAS.15.5.18443-40
  11. Description of Comprehensive PPTCT Counsellors’ Training:The Backbone of PPTCT Services in India-Solomon E, ; Visnegarwala F; Philip P; Pappachen JS, ; Alexander .GJournal of Health Management. Vol 14,No.3,Sept.2012 pp 369-374
  12. The HIV/AIDS Helpline is an effective tool of communication– Glory Alexander, Chitra L.Kanth, Priyanka Manoharan, Merlin Maria, Diptty Joseph. World Journal of AIDS Vol 4, Aug 2014, pp 305-310
  13. Teachers training workshops: a capacity building strategy for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS prevention education among adolescents.Davis, Joyce Chitra; Sebastian, Biju; Alexander, Glory, New Frontiers in Education,Vol 47, No.4. Oct-Dec 2014 pp 54-66
  14. Growth and Development of children living with Human Immunodeficiency virus in South India –A comparative study- Glory Alexander, Sarita Rao, Saranya Satish, Ram Babu –Indian Journal of Child Health- Vol 4, Issue 2,Apr-June 2017 PP 162-169.
  15. Improvement in Socio-Economic Productivity of HIV Positive Individuals on Anti Retroviral Treatment in a Private Setting in South India.Visnegarwala, F., Alexander, G. and Babu, R.  World Journal of AIDS, 9, 23-32.



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